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Holy Spirit,bible,word of God,true life gift

We Cut the Coal

We Cut The Coal ( 1Corinthians 3 vs 1 – 10.
There are three kind of people mentioned in this chapter:
– Wordly : Self directed people who want to impose their own selfish ideology in God’s ministry.
– Spiritual : spiritually directed people who interpret the teaching of God as word .
– Infant : those that fail to grow up and want the same statue quo and there actions are childish .
( Hebrew 5 vs 11-14, 6:1-3) infants in the Christian life.
Mature Christian Paul, is not controlled by material and sinful things but guided by the word and principle of God ( Romans 12:16 ) and knows his role in Gods Kingdom. ( it is not important who does the planting or the watering what is important is that is God who make it Grow. The one who plants and one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work . For we are both God’s work 1Corinthians 3:7-8)
We can become useful members of God’s team by setting aside our desire to receive glory for what we do.
Reflection Part:
– All of us must contribute no matter how small or big.
– Every one in Christ is a servant of God, for all of us will receive the same grace from God through the works of our hand and our contribution to God’s ministry .
• looking ahead to when children would ask their parents what they did in the war, Churchill said,” one will say,’ I was a fighter pilot ‘; another an Engineer’; another a foot soldier ‘; another a artillery ‘; another a coal miner’; another paramedic. All have contributed to the fight and will be rewarded accordingly .

About amuzementpark

Am an Independent investment solicitor, based in Jakarta - Indonesia , like to socialize with people of different ethnicity,religion and educational background.


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